Partners & Collaborators

- USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station: Northern Research Station aims to understand all of the elements of forests and related landscapes in a region extending from Maine to Minnesota and from Missouri to Maryland.
USDA Forest Service Eastern Region State and Private Forestry : The Eastern Region State and Private Forestry collaborates with States, other Federal agencies, tribes, and other partners to protect, conserve, and manage forests and community trees across the 20 Northeastern and Midwestern States and the District of Columbia.

- Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry: The Division’s mission is to manage, protect and conserve the timber, water, wildlife, soil and related forest resources for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations, and to demonstrate proper forest management to Indiana landowners.

- Walnut Council: The Walnut Council is a science based organization that encourages research, discussion, and application of knowledge about growing hardwood trees.

- Indiana Hardwood Lumbermen’s Association: IHLA is a trade association whose members share a passion for creating the world’s finest hardwood products and a determination to maintain the sustainable productivity of our nation’s forest resources.

- American Chestnut Foundation: The goal of The American Chestnut Foundation is to restore the American chestnut tree to our eastern woodlands to benefit our environment, our wildlife, and our society.

- National Hardwood Lumber Association: NHLA’s Mission is to serve members engaged in the commerce of North American hardwood lumber through education, promotion, advocacy and networking.

- ArborAmerica, Inc.: ArborAmerica is devoted to the development of genetically superior, intensively cultivated, fine hardwood plantings that are offered as a long term investment opportunity.

- Steelcase, Inc.: Steelcase Inc. is the global leader in office furniture, interior architecture and space solutions for offices, hospitals and classrooms.

- Nelson Irrigation: Nelson Irrigation Corporation is recognized as a world leader in state-of-the-art of water application products for agricultural and industrial applications.

Fred M. van Eck Forest Foundation