Landowner Information


Information for Landowners

The Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center (HTIRC) provides a wealth of resources for landowners interested in hardwood tree management and conservation. 

Additional Management Information


  • The Great Clearcut Controversy
    Skye M. Greenler and Michael R. Saunders – FNR-549W – Free download
    In this inquiry-based teaching unit, students use real scientific data to investigate how a bird community and individual forest animals respond to a clearcut timber harvest. In this investigation, students: use scientific inquiry to gain knowledge and answer questions; apply that knowledge to the engineering design process; and design a viable management solution given the constraints and tradeoffs they discover. The unit includes three lessons and supplementary materials. (Target Audience: Middle School (grades 6 to 8) science or environmental science classroom)

Tree Identification and Management

Planting and Care of Fine Hardwood Seedlings | Paula M. Pijut (ed.) FNR 235

Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center

715 W. State St.

West Lafayette, IN 47906

(765) 496-7251

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